With Our cutting-edge proprietary technology, combined with Google AdX demand integration, will diversify demand, enhance user experience, protect your brand, and boost your current revenue by up to 35%.

Apps Publisher Solutions

Open RTB Demand

Effortlessly connect to our demand through RTB endpoints for optimized monetization.

Advanced In-App Bidding

Utilize mediation and waterfall functionalities to enhance ad delivery and ensure that the highest-paying ads are shown to your users.

Rewarded Video Ads

Engage users with rewarded video ads that offer incentives in exchange for watching, enhancing user experience and boosting app revenue.

Monetize Diverse App Types


Our solution is designed to adapt to various app categories—whether games, social media apps, productivity tools, or educational resources—ensuring you maximize revenue across your entire portfolio.

Your Success, Our Commitment

At Lofty Publishers Media, we specialize in solving a wide array of publisher challenges with innovative, personalized solutions. Our mission is to empower publishers with cutting-edge technology, helping them thrive in the dynamic digital landscape.  With us, you can soon be selling the same ad space for higher prices.

Join us at Lofty Publishers Media, where we turn publisher challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

Get Started Today

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You Create Content We Monetize It